Engrossing Fantasy of the Highest Caliber

Shriek: an afterwordWhenever I am going to meet an author I try to read some of their work beforehand. At ALA this year I attended a dinner with Jeff VanderMeer, and on the plane to DC I started reading his latest fantasy novel Shriek: An Afterword. I only made it through the first 100 pages of so before meeting him, but I could tell there was quite a bit of talent in the man.

Shriek: An Afterword is of that fantasy genre that I don’t often read: alternative histories that may or may not be earth. It is also a biography of sorts of the Shriek siblings, Duncan written by his older sisterS Janice. Likewise it is a “biography” of their strange city, Ambergris. In Shriek, Janice is looking back on her life and writing an afterword for one of her historian/writer brother’s books. The Shriek’s lives were marked by the sudden death of their father after receiving the announcement that he had won a prestigious literary award, when they were children. Is this event the one that started Duncan down the path of an obsessive historian with radical theories perhaps too outlandish for others to fathom? And is this why Janice longs for recognition even while self-destructively indulging in every pleasure imaginable? The Shrieks eventually become fixtures in Ambergris’ culture, both reaching populist heights and tragic lows.

The river-city of Ambergris itself is perhaps the most potent character in the novel. Think of a grand, decaying New Orleans, complete with an underground city of quasi mushroom dwellers known as Gray Caps and you might get a sense of what Ambergris holds. Duncan’s obsession focuses on the Gray Caps and his first work, Cinsorium: Dispelling the Myths of the Gray Caps becomes a best-seller. During his research, Duncan uncovered hints of dark secrets connecting the Gray Caps to an horrific event that nearly destroyed the city years back. He also picked up a bizarre fungal condition that remained with him for the rest of his life. Janice unspools the pair’s story with tantalizing hints of their fate, augmented by notes from her brother, sometimes reinforcing, sometimes contradicting what she writes. It is a fascinating and compelling addition to the city’s lore.

VanderMeer has created a masterfully detailed, complex, fantastical novel, so utterly and darkly creative. The voices of Janice and Duncan are unique and true, revealing their all-too human flaws even while endearing them to the reader. Shriek: an afterword calls to mind Mary Gentle’s glorious White Crow novels, Rats & Gargoyles and Architecture of Desire in its gloriously giddy sense of the historical and the fantastic. This was one absorbing and entertaining read.

Is Helen Slater Revisiting Supergirl?

Helen SlaterDo you know who the lovely lady pictured at left is? (Okay, I’m betting that the title of this blogpost gave it away.) Who here has thought of Helen Slater recently? Well, as the proud owner of the SUPERGIRL DVD, I surely recognized Helen Slater’s name when it appeared in this Newsarama blogpost. Helen Slater and several of her films are surely some of my guiltiest pleasures, in fact, I challenge you to find anyone who has seen and for the most part enjoyed, all of Helen Slater’s first five feature films: SUPERGIRL, THE LEGEND OF BILLIE JEAN, RUTHLESS PEOPLE, THE SECRET OF MY SUCCE$S, and STICKY FINGERS. After that (okay, some might say sometime in the middle of that) Helen’s film career took a downward turn, but I just found out that she has been doing some respectable television work of late, including episodes of “Seinfeld,” “Will & Grace,” “Boston Public,” “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit,” “Grey’sHelen Slater as Supergirl Anatomy,” and “Crossing Jordan.” Now Newsday.com reports that Helen may play Supergirl’s aunt in upcoming episodes of “Smallville!” How cool is that?

What’s even cooler is that I have discovered that Helen has her own website, and that she has released not one, but two CDs as a singer/songwriter/pianist. Also, in keeping with her heroic origins, Slater and Jake Black, a comic-book writer from “Smallville” magazine, have submitted a Supergirl pitch for DC Comics. Now that’s something I’d love to see.