A Day I’m Glad to Celebrate!

Scottie and Peter Pan

Scottie’s got a lot to crow about, because unlike his buddy Peter Pan, Scottie is an adorable, whip-smart, compassionate, intelligent man who is celebrating his birthday today.  And I’m the lucky guy who gets to celebrate it with him.  I love you, Scottie.  Happy Birthday!

Should I feel a certain way about this?

So, Neil Patrick Harris is gay.  We all know this.  We all know that he’s also one of our current “it boys” — seemingly able to do no wrong whether he’s playing straight on TV (How I Met Your Mother) or at the movies (Harold & Kumar) or doing the song and dance thing with Joss Whedon (Dr. Horrible’s Sing-along Blog) or whatever he wants to do.  So why is there now this little backlash over at Gawker stating that’s he’s “too straight?”  More, why am I hearing about it for the first time on one of my comics blogs where the Occasional Superheroine takes issues with Gawker’s post?  Both sides actually have merit to their argument, and I am at a loss as to where I fall.  Guess it depends on the time of day.  Bravo for Mr. Harris’ success, and it’s always nice to see more successful gay people in the entertainment business.    And come on, he looks pretty hot on that Out Magazine cover.