New York Times is Out on a Shaky Limb

I’m rather stunned at the findings of a study conducted by a team of psychologists in Chicago and Toronto who claim that bisexuality in men doesn’t exist. The findings were boldly reported in the New York Times last week. A pretty strong claim, and when you read the article, a pretty silly one based on the evidence. I found out about the article from AJ, and he does a good job pointing out all the flaw there. Check out his comments.

One of the comments in the article that I found particularly silly is this quote, “I’m not denying that bisexual behavior exists,” said Dr. Bailey, “but I am saying that in men there’s no hint that true bisexual arousal exists, and that for men arousal is orientation.” Not being a huge fan of the term ‘orientation’ to begin with, my homosexuality has just been reduced completely to my arousal. Well guess what, I make no claims to be even the slightest bit bisexual yet I have been aroused by women. How do you explain that one Dr. Bailey?
