On the LimoLiner to New York City

So, it’s really Michael, not Scot, despite what it says below (I’m using his laptop), but the important thing is that I’m writing this post (and actually posting it) while on a bus to New York City. That’s right, wireless internet access on a bus ride to New York. It’s one benefit of the LimoLiner. I first discovered the LimoLiner courtesy of my colleague Kerry, when we traveled to New York City last May for the BookExpo America Conference. The LimoLiner is a bus that makes the journey from the Hilton in the Back Bay neighborhood of Boston to the Hilton at 53rd & 6th in New York. It costs more than the Fung Wah, but it’s less than Amtrak. It boasts luxury leather seats (and they are comfortable), that wireless internet access I mentioned earlier, meal service (unlike say… an airplane!), and a movie. It’s a nice alternative to driving, in my opinion!

So we’re off to New York for the weekend to visit with Bruce and see Scot’s friend Susan in her first off-Broadway musical! It’s called [title of show] and we’re looking forward to it. While we’re in town we also hope to stop in at the New York ComicCon Comic Book Convention. All the Marvel and DC bigwigs will be there, and wouldn’t you know? Librarians can reigster for free!