A signature is a funny thing

our new digsAs Scottie mentioned below, we closed on a new condo today. Yippee! That was pretty durn exciting! Check out the new digs on the left. We’re on the top floor, which is to my liking. There’s a porch on the front and the back, and we’ve already brought some stuff over there. It’s kind of surreal. I’ve obviously moved before, but moving into the first place we’ve owned is pretty wild.

As was the whole closing process. I have to say we were quite fortunate, compared to some of the difficulties friends and family have had, the whole process went quite smoothly. I was fascinated to see my signature degenerate as the seemingly endless signing went on. We were halfway through when I realized that I hadn’t been consistent, and several of my signatures were made without the middle initial. I was actually told to go back and insert the middle initial to those I did not use it.

Our next milestone will be next Monday when we movie. Titan Movers and their Secret Weapon… here we come!